Geospatial with R

Content for Tuesday, December 5, 2023

Required Reading

  • This page.

Guiding Questions

  • What are the building blocks of geospatial data?
  • How do we handle uniquely geospatial properties like distance or spatial correlation?

Geospatial in R

We will need a handful of new packages for our introduction to geospatial analysis in R. The primary package we will interact with is the sf package. sf stands for “simple features.” It has become the standard for geospatial work in R, and relies on the rgeos and rgdal libraries (which are themselves R compilations of the geos and gdal libraries). Documentation of sf can be found here.

We will also use the mapview package, as well as the tmaptools package. Plus, we’ll use tigris to get state boundaries and tidycensus to pull down census maps. Install those, and any of the many dependencies that they also install.


Vector vs. Raster

There are two ways of storing 2-D mapped spatial data, raster and vector. A vector representation of a 2-D shape is best described as an irregular polygon with points defining vertices. A square plotted in cartesian coordinates is a vector representation. Conversely, a raster image is a grid of cells where each cell is defined as “in” or “out” of the square. Most computer graphics like JPEG and TIFF are raster graphics and each pixel has an assigned color. To make a raster image of a blue square, we’d make a big grid of pixels, and then color some blue based on their location. To make a blue square in vector form, we’d record just the location of the corners and add instructions to color inside the polygon formed by those corners blue.

Vectors are scalable. Rasters are not

Rasters are great for detail, like pixels in a picture, but they do not scale up very well. Vectors are great for things that do need to scale up. They are also smaller and easier to work with when they aren’t trying to replicate photo-realistic images. Vectors can handle curves by recording the properties of the curve (e.g. bezier curves), while rasters have to approximate curves along the grid of cells, so if you want a smooth curve, you need lots of cells.

Geospatial work is almost always done in vectors because (1) it is easier to store data as vectors, and (2) it is easier to manipulate, project, intersect, or connect vector points, lines, and polygons.

We are going to work entirely with vectors today.

Vectors: points, lines, and polygons

Most everything we would want to map can be represented as a point, a line, or a polygon. Points could be the location of power plants in the US, or the location of COVID cases, or the location of major intersections. Lines could be the location of train tracks, the shortest distance between someone’s house and the nearest restaurants, or a major road. Polygons could be county boundaries, landowner’s lot lines, or bodies of water.

We can start by making some points, then turning them into a polygon. We’ll just use arbitrary coordinates for now, but will move into GPS latitude-longitude coordinates shortly. We’ll use st_multipoint to create our points object. It takes a numeric matrix only.

myPoints = tribble(~X, ~Y,
                   0, 0,
                   0, 4,
                   1, 4,
                   1, 1,
                   .5, 0,
                   0, 0)

myPoints = st_multipoint(as.matrix(myPoints))

Making polygons

We’ve begun making our first spatial object! Now, we can turn it into a polygon under one condition: the polygon has to “close” in order for R to know which side is the inside. In myPoints, the last point is identical to the first point, so R will “close” it:

plot(st_polygon(list(myPoints)), col = 'darkgreen')

That’s just one polylgon. Let’s add another one. When we created the polygon, we put the points object, myPoints, into a list. If we have a list of, say, two points objects, then we’ll get two polygons:

myPoints2 = tribble(~X, ~Y,
myPoints2 = st_multipoint(as.matrix(myPoints2))

myPolygons = st_polygon(list(myPoints, myPoints2))
plot(myPolygons, col = 'lightblue')

Now we can see two polygons. Looking at the structure of the polygons:

## List of 2
##  $ : 'XY' num [1:6, 1:2] 0 0 1 1 0.5 0 0 4 4 1 ...
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "X" "Y"
##  $ : 'XY' num [1:5, 1:2] 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1
##   ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
##   .. ..$ : NULL
##   .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "X" "Y"
##  - attr(*, "class")= chr [1:3] "XY" "POLYGON" "sfg"

Notice that one of the classes is sfg. This is a sf package-defined spatial object.

Getting points on a plot

One little-known trick in R is super helpful in spatial work. If you plot(myPolygons) in your own R-studio console (so it appears in your “Plots” pane, not knit into your document), you can use click(n) to interactively get \(n\) spatial points in the coordinate system of your plot.

myClicks = click(n = 3)
myClicks = rbind(myClicks, myClicks[1,])  # copy the first point to the last point to "close"
myNewPolygon = st_polygon(list(st_multipoint(myClicks)))
plot(myPolygons, col = 'lightblue')
plot(myNewPolygon, col = 'green', add=T)

Making lines

We could also create a line with our points. I’ll leave off the one point we added to “close” the polygon. Note that the line is colored blue, not the (uncompleted) polygon.

myLine = st_linestring(myPoints[1:4,])
plot(myLine, col = 'blue')

Reading spatial data

While it’s fun to draw our own shapes (caution: my definition of fun \(\neq\) your definition of fun), we’re probably most interested in finding and using existing spatial data. Let’s talk briefly about the types of spatial data out there:

  • Shapefiles
    • Shapefiles are not actually single files - they’re usually 4-6 files with similar names and different suffixes like .dbf, .shx, etc. This is because the shapefile format kind of pre-dates our current way of thinking of file storage. The most common program for reading or making shapefiles is ESRI’s ArcGIS. It is expensive, cumbersome, and some may say bloated. Our goal in this section is to be able to rescue shapefiles from the clutches of ArcGIS and open them in R
    • JSON is a way of structuring text data (like a .csv) but with the potential for nests in the data (like our list object) where each nest has a different data structure. GEOJSON pairs this with WKT or Well-Known Text representations of coordinates and takes care of making sure that each observation in the JSON data has a corresponding polygon in WKT coordinates.
  • KML
    • Bare-bones storage of coordinates and basic data
  • .RDS
    • Okay, this is just R’s native data type for storage, but it’s really helpful for storing sf objects
  • Comma separated values (.csv)
    • Just like the CSV’s we’ve been using, but with Latitude and Longitude columns. Only works for points (one point per .csv line), but is very commonly found. We can use st_as_sf to tell R which columns are the latitude and longitude.

We can open and use any one of these filetypes. I will cover Shapefiles and GEOJSON as the latter has become a very popular way of sharing spatial datasets.

Where to find spatial data

Spatial data is all around us! Try searching google for a topic + “spatial shapefile”. One of my favorite sources for spatial data is the DHS HIFLD Open database, which has lots of government datasets that are well-organized by category. Click through, and when you find something you like, click the “Download” button. If there is a GEOJSON or KML file available, right-click and copy the link address, or click on full details and scroll down to I want to…View API Resources and copy the GEOJSON link. Then, use that with st_read(). On many maps (including this one), the GeoJSON link is shown under the API drop-down. Use GeoJSON over KML as some systems have issues importing the data fields in KML.

Loading the data

We’ll use the sf package’s st_read to open spatial data. Here, I’m loading the Natural Gas Processing Plants data from the Energy section of HIFLD. I’m using the GeoJSON option, which st_read() knows how to handle:

gasplants = st_read('') %>%
  dplyr::select(name = NAME)
## Reading layer `Natural_Gas_Processing_Plants' from data source 
##   `' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 840 features and 44 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -158.0906 ymin: 21.30889 xmax: -78.6591 ymax: 65.2873
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -88.1682 ymin: 30.94855 xmax: -86.88647 ymax: 31.29632
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
##                               name                   geometry
## 1              CHUNCHULA GAS PLANT  POINT (-88.1682 30.94855)
## 2         ATMORE TREATING FACILITY POINT (-87.43715 31.17234)
## 3    FLARE-BUTLER STREET GAS PLANT POINT (-87.42975 31.24128)
## 4     BIG ESCAMBIA CREEK GAS PLANT POINT (-87.36302 31.07158)
## 5               DOGWOOD OAKS PLANT POINT (-87.18784 31.24347)

The sf data type holds both the data (which here is just the name of the plant) and the “geometry”, which are the points. It’s tidy data - one row is one observation of one plant, and each row has a set of coordinates telling us where to find the plant.

We can use ggplot with geom_sf() to plot these points. They’re just scattered across the country and we don’t automatically get a background map, but here are the points

ggplot(gasplants) + geom_sf() + theme_minimal()

Well, we’re missing some context here – we can kind of make out the point of Texas down there, but it’s hard to tell anything about where these plants are located. Let’s use tigris to get a map of the US, then plot it plus the points. Note we use different data = in each of the geom_sf() calls:

US <- tigris::states(cb = TRUE, progress_bar = FALSE)  # tigris maps

ggplot() + geom_sf(data = US, col = 'gray50') +
  geom_sf(data = gasplants) + theme_minimal()

Getting there. The problem now is that the tigris data covers all US territories, which are really spread out! Let’s drop down to just Michigan. We can use good old filter just like with regular data:

MI = states(cb = TRUE) %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='MI')
## Retrieving data for the year 2021
ggplot() + geom_sf(data = MI, col = 'gray50') +
  geom_sf(data = gasplants) + theme_minimal()

Well, now we have a different problem. We want to have only the gasplants that are over the state of Michigan. That requires a spatial join. Luckily, our tidyverse syntax works pretty seamlessly on sf objects. First, we have to take care of a little issue with spatial data. The projection

Projections, briefly

The projection for spatial data is the translation from a 3-D object (e.g. the globe) to a 2-D space (a map, or the cartesian x-y coordinates of our screen). This is no simple matter! There are entire PhD programs dedicated to forming and processing projections and datum (which refer to the shape of the globe, which is not actually round). It can all be a nightmare. Worst of all, projections determine the definition of your coordinates, so you may be at -81 latitude, +30 longitude, but in another projection, you might be 1245349m above some reference point, and -2452849m to the left of that point. Projections define the distance along the X and Y axis, the scale of the coordinates, and a lot of other stuff about your 2-D polygons.

Luckily, over the last few years, very smart people have been working on regularizing “projections”. Now, we really need to know three things:

  1. The projection of your data’s coordinates when you read it in
  2. The projection you want your data to be in when you map it
  3. The projection of other spatial data you may want to combine.

Importing projected data

GEOJSON, shapefiles, and KML files usually come with embedded projections stored as EPSG numbers like ‘4326’ (incidentally, ‘4326’ is the usual projection for GPS coordinates). Thus, the first one is usually already taken care of. If your data doesnt have a PROJ4 or EPSG number but the coordinates are all between -180 and +180, it’s likely in EPSG=4326. If none of those, then the data creator should have metadata stating the proejction. It might take some googling and some trial and error.

For mapping, you might need to transform your data between projections (or “reproject” it, same thing). We use st_transform for this. We only need to give R the EPSG (Geodetic Parameter Dataset) of the projection you want to end up in. As long as it’s already in a known projection, R can re-project it. The projection is refered to by the Coordinate Reference System (CRS). st_crs will tell us the projection (EPSG number and a lot more) of any spatial object. If they do not match, then R will give an error or, worse, plot them on totally different scales - sometimes you end up with points from the US landing in the middle of the Indian Ocean! In fact, look back at our map of gas plants and the US.

Did you notice that a lot of the US gas plants mapped to…Canada? Those might be Alaskan plants, but the projections were not identical, so the definition of coordinates were different between our US map and our gas plants maps. Neither is “right” or “wrong” - they just have to be the same. Differences in projections tend to be worse at the extreme latitudes.

## Coordinate Reference System:
##   User input: WGS 84 
##   wkt:
## GEOGCRS["WGS 84",
##     DATUM["World Geodetic System 1984",
##         ELLIPSOID["WGS 84",6378137,298.257223563,
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
##     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
##         ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##     CS[ellipsoidal,2],
##         AXIS["geodetic latitude (Lat)",north,
##             ORDER[1],
##             ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##         AXIS["geodetic longitude (Lon)",east,
##             ORDER[2],
##             ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##     ID["EPSG",4326]]
## Coordinate Reference System:
##   User input: NAD83 
##   wkt:
##     DATUM["North American Datum 1983",
##         ELLIPSOID["GRS 1980",6378137,298.257222101,
##             LENGTHUNIT["metre",1]]],
##     PRIMEM["Greenwich",0,
##         ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##     CS[ellipsoidal,2],
##         AXIS["latitude",north,
##             ORDER[1],
##             ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##         AXIS["longitude",east,
##             ORDER[2],
##             ANGLEUNIT["degree",0.0174532925199433]],
##     ID["EPSG",4269]]

One is in 4326, the other in 4269. We can use st_transform on the gasplants data, which will reproject the points (and won’t change the data at all). The data won’t be any different, and the points won’t look too much different

gasplants = gasplants %>%

ggplot(gasplants) + geom_sf() + theme_minimal()

Importing unprojected data

Sometimes, we have data only in .csv format, but with X and Y coordinates (e.g. Longitude and Latitude). To import this data, we do the following:

  • Read in from .csv, .xls, etc.
  • Determine the CRS of the data (usually 4326 for gps coordinates)
  • Set the spatial coordinates and CRS

We know how to do the first, and the 2nd and 3rd are done in one step. We’ll make a data.frame of city names and use the tmaptools package’s geocode_OSM to get the latitudes and longitudes of the city centers. This function uses open-source Open Street Maps instead of the google API (which is used by ggmap). This way, we don’t need an API key.

ourCities = geocode_OSM(c('Detroit','Lansing','Grand Rapids','Kalamazoo','Traverse City','Marquette')) %>%
  select(City = query, lat = lat, lon = lon)

##            City      lat       lon
## 1       Detroit 42.33155 -83.04664
## 2       Lansing 42.73377 -84.55538
## 3  Grand Rapids 42.96324 -85.66786
## 4     Kalamazoo 42.29171 -85.58723
## 5 Traverse City 44.76064 -85.61653
## 6     Marquette 46.44815 -87.63059

Since these are GPS-type coordinates, we are going to assume the CRS is EPSG=4326. Longitude is the “x” axis, and latitude is the “y” axis.

ourCities.spatial = st_as_sf(ourCities, coords = c('lon','lat'), crs = 4326)
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 1 field
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -87.63059 ymin: 42.29171 xmax: -83.04664 ymax: 46.44815
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
##            City                   geometry
## 1       Detroit POINT (-83.04664 42.33155)
## 2       Lansing POINT (-84.55538 42.73377)
## 3  Grand Rapids POINT (-85.66786 42.96324)
## 4     Kalamazoo POINT (-85.58723 42.29171)
## 5 Traverse City POINT (-85.61653 44.76064)
## 6     Marquette POINT (-87.63059 46.44815)

Now we have the point geometries! We can map this:

ggplot() +
  geom_sf(data = MI, fill = 'gray90') +
  geom_sf(data = ourCities.spatial, col = 'blue') +

Spatial merges

Combining spatial data is the strength of geospatial analysis. We have our map of MI, and we have out points. Let’s “merge” the points to the map, meaning let’s connect the elements in our map (the state of MI) to the elements in our points (gas plants). This is a point-to-polygon merge.

Point-to-polygon merges

We’ll use st_join to produce an inner join, so we keep only those points that are “in” (spatially) the state of Michigan. I’m specifying join = st_intersects though this is the default. Note that all the points that remain in the merged MI.gasplants are in Michigan, and note that all the data columns from MI are now in gasplants. We’ll use a county map of MI here so we will have the county data for each county containing a gas plant.

MI.counties = counties(state = 'MI', cb = TRUE, progress_bar = FALSE)

MI.gasplants = gasplants %>%
  st_transform(st_crs(MI.counties)) %>%
  st_join(MI.counties, left = FALSE,
          join = st_intersects)

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 13 fields
## Geometry type: POINT
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -85.36458 ymin: 42.61859 xmax: -82.73532 ymax: 44.69001
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                                     name STATEFP COUNTYFP COUNTYNS
## 166                           MONITOR 11      26      017 01622951
## 167                   DRZ (BEAVER CREEK)      26      039 01622962
## 168 HIGHLAND CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY      26      125 01623005
## 169                   KALKASKA GAS PLANT      26      079 01622982
## 170          LENOX 36 CENTRAL PRODUCTION      26      099 01622992
## 171                           SHERMAN 35      26      133 01623009
## 166 0500000US26017 26017      Bay      Bay County     MI   Michigan   06
## 167 0500000US26039 26039 Crawford Crawford County     MI   Michigan   06
## 168 0500000US26125 26125  Oakland  Oakland County     MI   Michigan   06
## 169 0500000US26079 26079 Kalkaska Kalkaska County     MI   Michigan   06
## 170 0500000US26099 26099   Macomb   Macomb County     MI   Michigan   06
## 171 0500000US26133 26133  Osceola  Osceola County     MI   Michigan   06
##          ALAND    AWATER                   geometry
## 166 1145834939 487713370 POINT (-83.95389 43.62672)
## 167 1441108421  17887265 POINT (-84.81844 44.55881)
## 168 2246276778 103456215 POINT (-83.57433 42.61859)
## 169 1449729130  28020186 POINT (-85.19667 44.69001)
## 170 1241505071 237173296 POINT (-82.73532 42.73481)
## 171 1466674406  17425113 POINT (-85.36458 44.07761)

Now, we can plot the counties map with the gasplants over it. We can even use aes(...) to fill the counties:

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = MI.counties, aes(fill = NAME), show.legend = F) +  
  geom_sf(data = MI.gasplants) + 

Huh. Most gas plants in Michigan are to the north of here. Interesting.


Sometimes, we want to be able to zoom in and out. ggplot is static, so that won’t work too well. Thanks to the leaflet engine, the mapview packages is stellar for exploration of spatial data. You can specify zcol = Name if you want to color by the Name field. I can’t embed this in the website, but you can run this at home. It will appear in the “Viewer” pane, not in the “Plots” pane. Unlike the static image here, you will be able to zoom and pan.


In an actual mapview window (not this static image here), clicking on the points or polygons will bring up a pop-up of the data for that row. Mapview is very useful for exploring your spatial data. It is not useful for presenting your data. Please, never use mapview as an output from a markdown code chunk. Use it for exploring, then use geom_sf() to present your analysis.

While Mapview has many features that you will likely find interesting, one of the more useful features is that you can set the display color, which helps for data exploration.

mapview(MI.counties, zcol = 'NAME')

This will set each county in Michigan to a different color (using the viridis colors). Another very useful feature of mapview is that you can layer plots with +. Again, I’m including a static image. Using this command in Rstudio will open an interactive map:

mapview(MI.gasplants) + mapview(MI.counties, zcol = 'NAME')

Polygon-to-polygon merges

The gas plants and state merge, above, was very simple because points are always either within or not within a polygon. Worst that can happen is some of your points are not over any polygon at all (resulting in NA values). But what if you’re merging polygons to polygons?

First, let’s load some (overlapping) polygons. We can load up all of our states again (dropping the territories). We’ll also use a map of watersheds (which cross state boundaries). This is the HUC-4 map of the Rockies from the US Geological Survey. The HUC-4 is a definition of a watershed where the area of the HUC-4 is the area drained by a major tributary:

US = states(cb=TRUE) %>%
  dplyr::filter(!STUSPS %in% c('PR','GU','VI','MP','AS','AK','HI'))

HUC4 = st_read('') %>%
  st_transform(st_crs(US)) %>%
  dplyr::mutate(randomData = rpois(n(), 20))
## Reading layer `USGS_NHD_Hydrologic_Units__HUCs_' from data source 
##   `' 
##   using driver `KML'
## Simple feature collection with 12 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -121.5779 ymin: 31.5082 xmax: -109.7625 ymax: 45.25827
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = US, col = 'gray50') +
  geom_sf(data = HUC4, aes(fill = Name), show.legend = FALSE) + 

These watersheds clearly overlap state boundaries. So what happens if we merge them? sf will create a new obsveration (row) for every HUC-4 / State combination

poly.merge = HUC4 %>%
  st_join(US, left = TRUE)

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 12 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -115.7061 ymin: 31.5082 xmax: -111.5061 ymax: 39.30285
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                         Name Description randomData STATEFP  STATENS
## 1             Lower Colorado                     20      32 01779793
## 1.1           Lower Colorado                     20      06 01779778
## 1.2           Lower Colorado                     20      04 01779777
## 2   Lower Colorado-Lake Mead                     21      49 01455989
## 2.1 Lower Colorado-Lake Mead                     21      32 01779793
## 2.2 Lower Colorado-Lake Mead                     21      04 01779777
## 1   0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
## 1.1 0400000US06    06     CA California   00 403671756816 20293573058
## 1.2 0400000US04    04     AZ    Arizona   00 294363973043   855871553
## 2   0400000US49    49     UT       Utah   00 213355072799  6529973239
## 2.1 0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
## 2.2 0400000US04    04     AZ    Arizona   00 294363973043   855871553
##                           geometry
## 1   POLYGON ((-114.6233 36.0304...
## 1.1 POLYGON ((-114.6233 36.0304...
## 1.2 POLYGON ((-114.6233 36.0304...
## 2   POLYGON ((-115.0786 39.3005...
## 2.1 POLYGON ((-115.0786 39.3005...
## 2.2 POLYGON ((-115.0786 39.3005...

Now, every HUC-4 like “Lower Colorado” has multiple observations, one for each STUSPS that it touches. When we plot it, though, each of those observations are still attached to the same HUC-4 polygon. Technically, R is plotting the same HUC multiple times (once for each state) on top of each other, so we don’t see them. This is the equivalent of merging your data in a way that duplicates observations.

ggplot(poly.merge) + geom_sf() + 

We have another option in our join - we can ask st_join to keep just the largest:

poly.merge.largest = HUC4 %>%
  st_join(US, left = TRUE, largest = TRUE)

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 12 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -121.255 ymin: 31.5082 xmax: -111.5061 ymax: 42.3448
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                           Name Description randomData STATEFP  STATENS
## 1               Lower Colorado                     20      04 01779777
## 2     Lower Colorado-Lake Mead                     21      04 01779777
## 3    Northern Mojave-Mono Lake                     15      06 01779778
## 4 Central Nevada Desert Basins                     19      32 01779793
## 5               North Lahontan                     24      06 01779778
## 6   Black Rock Desert-Humboldt                     23      32 01779793
## 1 0400000US04    04     AZ    Arizona   00 294363973043   855871553
## 2 0400000US04    04     AZ    Arizona   00 294363973043   855871553
## 3 0400000US06    06     CA California   00 403671756816 20293573058
## 4 0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
## 5 0400000US06    06     CA California   00 403671756816 20293573058
## 6 0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
##                         geometry
## 1 POLYGON ((-114.6233 36.0304...
## 2 POLYGON ((-115.0786 39.3005...
## 3 POLYGON ((-118.7594 38.3208...
## 4 POLYGON ((-114.7211 41.2410...
## 5 POLYGON ((-120.1835 41.9743...
## 6 POLYGON ((-117.9693 42.3430...

Now, there is only one observation per HUC-4, and it corresponds to the state that has the most overlap area-wise. For Lower Colorado, Arizona has the most overlap. There are lots of things besides st_intersect we can use to call two things “joined”. ?st_join tells you about them. For instance, we can use join = st_covers and we will only get a merge when HUC-4 completely covers the state.

HUC4 %>%
  st_join(US, left = TRUE, join = st_covers) %>%
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 12 fields
## Geometry type: POLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -121.255 ymin: 31.5082 xmax: -111.5061 ymax: 42.3448
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                           Name Description randomData STATEFP STATENS AFFGEOID
## 1               Lower Colorado                     20    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
## 2     Lower Colorado-Lake Mead                     21    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
## 3    Northern Mojave-Mono Lake                     15    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
## 4 Central Nevada Desert Basins                     19    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
## 5               North Lahontan                     24    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
## 6   Black Rock Desert-Humboldt                     23    <NA>    <NA>     <NA>
##   GEOID STUSPS NAME LSAD ALAND AWATER                       geometry
## 1  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-114.6233 36.0304...
## 2  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-115.0786 39.3005...
## 3  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-118.7594 38.3208...
## 4  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-114.7211 41.2410...
## 5  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-120.1835 41.9743...
## 6  <NA>   <NA> <NA> <NA>    NA     NA POLYGON ((-117.9693 42.3430...

None of the HUC-4’s completely cover a state, so we get NA for all the state data.

The other thing we can do is ask R to create separate polygons - one for every HUC-4 / state combination. That isn’t a merge, but it plays a similar role. Note this uses st_intersection: = HUC4 %>%
  st_intersection(US) %>%

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 12 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -120.4649 ymin: 35.40541 xmax: -114.1471 ymax: 42.3448
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                             Name Description randomData STATEFP  STATENS
## 6     Black Rock Desert-Humboldt                     23      32 01779793
## 6.1   Black Rock Desert-Humboldt                     23      06 01779778
## 6.2   Black Rock Desert-Humboldt                     23      41 01155107
## 7               Central Lahontan                     20      32 01779793
## 7.1             Central Lahontan                     20      06 01779778
## 4   Central Nevada Desert Basins                     19      32 01779793
## 6   0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
## 6.1 0400000US06    06     CA California   00 403671756816 20293573058
## 6.2 0400000US41    41     OR     Oregon   00 248628414476  6170965739
## 7   0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
## 7.1 0400000US06    06     CA California   00 403671756816 20293573058
## 4   0400000US32    32     NV     Nevada   00 284537290201  1839636284
##                           geometry
## 6   MULTIPOLYGON (((-119.9997 4...
## 6.1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-119.9997 4...
## 6.2 MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.7203 4...
## 7   POLYGON ((-120.0065 39.2721...
## 7.1 POLYGON ((-120.0016 39.5794...
## 4   POLYGON ((-115.1379 35.4054...

Now, we have a unique polygon for every combination of HUC-4 and State (with the US):

ggplot() + 
  geom_sf(data = US, fill = 'gray50') +
  geom_sf(data =, aes(fill = STUSPS), show.legend = FALSE) +

Here, I’ve set the fill to the state, but you can see that the HUC-4’s have boundaries at the state line.


Our summarize function let us collapse by groups and calculate interseting things like average (over a group or region). The neat part is that it works on spatial data as well. Let’s look at the data again:

head( %>% 
       dplyr::select(Name, randomData, STUSPS) %>%
## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -120.4649 ymin: 32.2603 xmax: -111.5061 ymax: 41.10578
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
##                             Name randomData STUSPS
## 1.2               Lower Colorado         20     AZ
## 2.2     Lower Colorado-Lake Mead         21     AZ
## 6.1   Black Rock Desert-Humboldt         23     CA
## 7.1             Central Lahontan         20     CA
## 4.1 Central Nevada Desert Basins         19     CA
## 1.1               Lower Colorado         20     CA
##                           geometry
## 1.2 POLYGON ((-114.8165 32.5069...
## 2.2 POLYGON ((-114.7368 36.0159...
## 6.1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-119.9997 4...
## 7.1 POLYGON ((-120.0016 39.5794...
## 4.1 MULTIPOLYGON (((-118.7021 3...
## 1.1 POLYGON ((-115.1379 35.4054...

So AZ has two HUC-4’s in it - Lower Colorado and Lower Coloardo - Lake Mead (you can see them above). Summarize on geospatial data works just like regular data - we can group_by(STUSPS), and we can summarize() any of the data. I threw some random data into HUC-4 so we can summarize that.

But how do we combine data specific to each HUC-4 in AZ? We could:

  • Just take the average of all of the randomData values within the state.

  • Take a weighted average of randomData where the area is the weight

  • Take some other function (min, max, etc.) of randomData.

We can implement any of these using sf. Let’s do the second since it nests the first. First, we’ll add the area of the State x HUC-4 using st_area, which gives a units object. We can turn that into a numeric: = %>%
  dplyr::mutate(State.HUC.area = as.numeric(st_area(.))) %>%
  group_by(STUSPS) %>%
  dplyr::summarize(mean.randomData = weighted.mean(randomData, w = State.HUC.area))

## Simple feature collection with 6 features and 2 fields
## Geometry type: GEOMETRY
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -121.5779 ymin: 32.2603 xmax: -111.0436 ymax: 45.25827
## Geodetic CRS:  NAD83
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   STUSPS mean.randomData                                                geometry
##   <chr>            <dbl>                                          <GEOMETRY [°]>
## 1 AZ                20.6 POLYGON ((-114.7368 36.01591, -114.737 36.01577, -114.…
## 2 CA                16.9 POLYGON ((-118.9235 38.25064, -118.9497 38.26894, -118…
## 3 ID                22.9 POLYGON ((-117.243 44.39097, -117.2351 44.37385, -117.…
## 4 MT                23   MULTIPOLYGON (((-111.3842 44.75446, -111.3846 44.75484…
## 5 NV                20.4 POLYGON ((-118.7021 38.09324, -118.6216 38.03439, -118…
## 6 OR                21.4 POLYGON ((-116.7012 45.24284, -116.7016 45.24301, -116…

sf with the tidyverse makes it really easy to apply spatial versions of summarize and mutate. Very useful.

If we had wanted to just take the average (ignoring area), we’d just leave out the w = State.HUC.area or just used mean. If we had wanted to take, say, the minimum, we would use min(randomData) instead of weighted.mean. We can use whatever function we want in summarize, just as we did with non-spatial data.

Cropping vs. merging

Sometimes, we wish to only crop to a region rather than merging. sf has the st_crop function to do this. Let’s crop our HUC-4 data to just the bounding box of the state of Nevada

HUC4.nv = HUC4 %>%
  st_crop(US %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='NV'))

ggplot(HUC4.nv) + geom_sf(aes(fill = Name), show.legend = F) +
  geom_sf(data = US %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='NV'),  fill = NA, col = 'gray20', lwd = 3 ) +

If we wanted to actually crop to the state of Nevada (st_crop only uses the bounding box of Nevada), we’d use st_intersection but do the intersection with just the state of Nevada:

HUC4.nv = HUC4 %>%
  st_intersection(US %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='NV'))

ggplot(HUC4.nv) + geom_sf(aes(fill = Name), show.legend = F) +
  geom_sf(data = US %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='NV'),  fill = NA, col = 'gray20', lwd = 3 ) +

Note that the data for each HUC-4 remains unchanged. If there were something in that data (like “population” or “area”) that is specific to the entire polygon representing the HUC, then cropping the HUC outside of Nevada may lead to misleading data. The moral of the story is: be careful and thoughtful!

Bounding boxes

This introduces a useful concept: the bounding box. The bounding box is defined by the closest 4 points that form a box that perfectly encloses the object (even when the object is not a rectangle). The extent of the above plot is the bounding box for Nevada.

Nevada.bbox = st_bbox(US %>% dplyr::filter(STUSPS=='NV'))
##       xmin       ymin       xmax       ymax 
## -120.00646   35.00186 -114.03965   42.00221

The bounding box can be used to frame a “window” in a ggplot using geom_sf(). That is, sometimes, we want to plot just a subsection of a map, but we still want the data to be the whole map. Here’s an example using the HOLC Redlining Maps, which were created in the 1930’s and were used to segregate US housing up until the 1970’s. They are available at the University of Richmond’s Mapping Inequality site. We can load Lansing and Detroit using the code below:

lansing = st_read('')
## Reading layer `geojson' from data source 
##   `' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 5 features and 14 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -84.60737 ymin: 42.67877 xmax: -84.45292 ymax: 42.77022
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
detroit = st_read('')
## Reading layer `geojson' from data source 
##   `' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 239 features and 14 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -83.40036 ymin: 42.13495 xmax: -82.87287 ymax: 42.56012
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
mi.redlining = bind_rows(lansing, detroit) %>%

ggplot(mi.redlining) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = grade, col = grade)) + 
  geom_sf(data = MI, fill = NA, col = 'gray50') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('A' = 'darkgreen', 'B' = 'blue', 'C' = 'yellow', 'D' = 'red'),
                    aesthetics = c('color','fill')) +

We can tell that our polygons have plotted, but since we have the whole state of Michigan, they’re almost unreadable. We need to set our window over the lower part of the lower peninsula. We’ll use coord_sf to do this, but first we need to define a window. Since windows are almost always rectangular, we can use the st_bbox(mi.redlining), but we have to pull out the xlim (xmin, xmax) and ylim (ymin, ymax):

ggplot(mi.redlining) +
  geom_sf(aes(fill = grade, col = grade)) + 
  geom_sf(data = MI, fill = NA, col = 'gray50') +
  scale_fill_manual(values = c('A' = 'green', 'B' = 'blue', 'C' = 'yellow', 'D' = 'red'),
                    aesthetics = c('color','fill')) +
  theme_minimal() +
  coord_sf(xlim = st_bbox(mi.redlining)[c(1, 3)],
           ylim = st_bbox(mi.redlining)[c(2, 4)])

Distance matrices

One of the most common spatial statistics we’d use in data analytics is the distance matrix. If we have a set of points and we think that we can explain some data about those points (unemployment, ag production, murders per capita) based on the distance to some explanatory source (gas plants, superfund site, etc.), then we might want to include distance to gas plants in our model as a predictor. Frequently, we’ll use inverse distance, \(\frac{1}{d}\), so that closer things can have more of an impact. To do this, we need a distance matrix.

Let’s combine our gasplants and our ourCities to get the distance from each of our cities to the nearest gas plant. Maybe we have city-level data on student achievements and we want to see if gas plants lower student achievement. While we would need a lot more information to make this model, we can look at what we have for now.

We will use st_distance, which will generate a special type of object that contains the distance information. MI.gasplants has 15 observations, and ourCities has 6, so for each row in ourCities we will get 15 distances, one to each gasplant. This forms a distance matrix where each row is an object in ourCities and each column is an object in MI.gasplants. We are going to take only a few MI.gasplants so we can easily view the results:

ourCities.spatial = ourCities.spatial %>% 

MI.gasplants.small = MI.gasplants[1:4,]

ourDistance = st_distance(x = ourCities.spatial, y = MI.gasplants.small)
## Units: [m]
##          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
## [1,] 161824.4 285981.74  53774.05 314356.35
## [2,] 110622.4 204035.47  81217.07 223545.24
## [3,] 157108.5 190078.02 175071.61 195692.37
## [4,] 199248.1 259619.40 169087.39 268533.27
## [5,] 182936.7  66993.37 289278.25  34087.52
## [6,] 426387.5 303552.04 533415.88 272213.63

We get a units matrix, which has extra properties that allow us to convert the units. The units will be in whatever the CRS of the objects is in - st_crs(ourCities.spatial) tells us the units are meters.

What if we wanted to find the closest gas plant to each city? That is akin to looking at each row, and finding the column that is the smallest, right? We will use apply, and we will note that the order of the columns is the same as the order in MI.gasplants.small, so we can use MI.gasplants.small$name to tell us the name of the closest gas plant. We will apply over each row (MAR=1) and use the which.min function, which returns the index number of the maximum column.

max.index = apply(ourDistance, MAR = 1, which.min)

We can combine this index with the MI.gasplants.small object to get the names of the closest gas plant for each of the cities. We’ll make a nice, neat tibble with the city name (in the order from ourCities.spatial), the closest gas plant name, and the distance to that plant:

tibble(City = ourCities.spatial$City,
       Closest.gasplant = MI.gasplants.small$name[max.index], = ourDistance[cbind(1:length(max.index), max.index)])
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##   City          Closest.gasplant           
##   <chr>         <chr>                                                [m]
## 1 Detroit       HIGHLAND CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY              53774.
## 2 Lansing       HIGHLAND CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY              81217.
## 3 Grand Rapids  MONITOR 11                                       157109.
## 4 Kalamazoo     HIGHLAND CENTRAL PROCESSING FACILITY             169087.
## 5 Traverse City KALKASKA GAS PLANT                                34088.
## 6 Marquette     KALKASKA GAS PLANT                               272214.

But wait, what is going on in the last line of code there? Well, recall our distance matrix and max.index:

## Units: [m]
##          [,1]      [,2]      [,3]      [,4]
## [1,] 161824.4 285981.74  53774.05 314356.35
## [2,] 110622.4 204035.47  81217.07 223545.24
## [3,] 157108.5 190078.02 175071.61 195692.37
## [4,] 199248.1 259619.40 169087.39 268533.27
## [5,] 182936.7  66993.37 289278.25  34087.52
## [6,] 426387.5 303552.04 533415.88 272213.63
## [1] 3 3 1 3 4 4

we want to select from our distance matrix the 1st row, 3rd column; the 2nd row, 3rd column; 3rd row, 1st column; 4th row, 3rd column; 5th row, 4th column; and 6th row, 4th column. This means the row index and column index are not ranges, but are paired. Using cbind(1:6, max.index) makes them paired entries, and we can select specific row x column combinations that way.


As is common in R, there is a function that will get the closest points between to spatial objects. st_nearest_points takes two geometries, and returns the neaarest point in y for every point in x, which is what we did with the MI gas plants.

st_nearest_feature(x = ourCities.spatial, y = MI.gasplants.small)
## [1] 3 3 1 3 4 4

This is exactly our max.index and can be used on the y object, MI.gasplants.small, to pull the names, subset, get distances etc.

st_nearest_feature also works for points and polygons, or polygons and polygons, where it returns the index of the polygon that contains the nearest point to the features in x. Let’s find the nearest Great Lake for each of our cities using a KML shapefile of the Great Lakes from WI DNR Note that the GeoJSON link is under “API” on this site. We run into a complex geometry problem, and add st_make_valid() to fix it:

GL = st_read('') %>%
  st_transform(st_crs(ourCities.spatial)) %>% st_make_valid()
## Reading layer `Great_Lakes' from data source 
##   `' 
##   using driver `GeoJSON'
## Simple feature collection with 15 features and 3 fields
## Geometry type: MULTIPOLYGON
## Dimension:     XY
## Bounding box:  xmin: -92.10222 ymin: 41.38576 xmax: -75.95819 ymax: 49.00535
## Geodetic CRS:  WGS 84
closest.GL.index = st_nearest_feature(x = ourCities.spatial, y = GL)
ourCities %>% dplyr::mutate(Closest.GreatLake = GL$FEAT_NAME[closest.GL.index])
##            City      lat       lon Closest.GreatLake
## 1       Detroit 42.33155 -83.04664         Lake Erie
## 2       Lansing 42.73377 -84.55538        Lake Huron
## 3  Grand Rapids 42.96324 -85.66786     Lake Michigan
## 4     Kalamazoo 42.29171 -85.58723     Lake Michigan
## 5 Traverse City 44.76064 -85.61653     Lake Michigan
## 6     Marquette 46.44815 -87.63059     Lake Superior

Other resources

  • Claudia Engel’s “Using Spatial Data with R” is a very useful resource. It covers sf and an older geospatial library called sp that has similar functionality but was not tidyverse-friendly.

  • The Rstudio Spatial Cheat Sheet.

  • If you want to remove the Great Lakes from your map, here’s how you do it

    • First, retrieve the geojson file of the great lakes. Only WI DNR seems to have a public shapefile of the Great Lakes (an informal complaint has been registered with MI-EGLE, grrrr) which you can download as a geojson from here – see the little cloud download button, and select geojson. This one doesn’t have a link to take it directly, so download the file to your local drive, keep it with your .RMD file, and load it direction from your local path.

    • Second, use the code below as an example. You may have a different shapefile you want to clip to the Great Lakes – put it in place of MI below. Note that we use a spatial version of the difference function, which gives us “everything in the first that isn’t in the second”.


MI = counties(state = 'MI', year = 2019) # your school district map here
GreatLakes = st_read('/PUT YOUR LOCAL FILEPATH TO THE GEOJSON HERE.geojson') %>%  # put your local filepath in here
  st_transform(st_crs(MI)) %>%  # need them to be in the same projection
  st_make_valid() %>%  # this fixes an issue with the shapefile after projection
  st_union()  # we will put all the lakes together as we don't care which lake is being used to erase county/district boundaries

MIx = st_difference(MI, GreatLakes)  # spatial version of the difference function